| September 29, 2016 | HEALTH TIPS | s

Bed wetting also called, nocturnal enuresis, primarily happens to children who do not have the will power to wake up when their bladder is full. It is an involuntary urination in children after ages 4-5. Studies have shown that 15% of children still bed wet by age 5 but less than 5% do so after age 5.
As a parent, you can really get pissed off and embarrassed when your child just would not stop bed wetting. Several things can cause bed wetting in children. It could be as a result of hereditary factors, it could also be just plain laziness on the part of the child.
However, these are some of the ways in which you can stop your child from bed wetting:
1.  Make them use the bathroom before they go to bed: When you make it a habit to ensure your child uses the bathroom before going to bed, it will help reduce the chances of your child bed wetting. This is because, having emptied their bladder before going to bed, the urge to urinate will be reduced to an extent.
2.  Limit intake of water/ fluid before bed time: As much as possible limit the amount of water or any liquid substance your child takes hours before bed time. Chances are, any liquid he/she takes when it’s almost time for bed will beg to be out by midnight, and he/she might be too far gone to wake up.
3.  Get an alarm system and place it by your child’s bed side: Place an alarm system beside your child and set it to go off every few hours, within those intervals, make sure your child uses the bathroom, after some time he will always remember to wake up when he is pressed.
4.  Avoid carbonated drinks at night: This is also a form of liquid but had to be specially marked out because, unlike other drinks, carbonated drinks contain a lot of carbon dioxide gas. It is also a quick means to get the bladder filled real quick. As much as possible, keep them away from your child, especially at night.
5.  Create incentives/reward system: Promise your child a reward if he/she could go several nights without urinating. Children love incentives, especially if it is one they can really connect with. With something to look forward to, your child would definitely try to stop urinating.
6.  See a doctor: Constipation can also be a reason for bed wetting. This is because it puts pressure on the bladder, making it difficult to resist the urge to urinate. Your child may be bed wetting because he/she does not have easy bowel movements, talk to a pediatrician.
Finally, do not get mad at your child always, give him/her time and observe all these steps that would make your child stop bed wetting. With efforts and discipline, you will definitely notice a difference!
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SOURCE: familyflex

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Posted by ifecx, Published at 03:28 and have 0 comments

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